Paartherapie & Somatic Experiencing

Living Joyfully
If we could always be happy and be free to flow according to where our energy wants to go, we'd never be sick and we'd have healthy, loving, and lasting relationships, right? But we don't. So, why don't we live joyfully ever after?
Living Joyfully - 3 days, 10 am - 5 pm
In this workshop, we'll address exactly this. We'll be looking at patterns and behaviors that sabotage us in our lives and our relationships, and we'll look at what exactly drives those patterns. Often the source of impeding patterns in our lives is deeper than what is usually being addressed in conventional work, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
This understanding and the tools we'll teach and practice in this workshop will enable you, in time and with regular practice, to overcome and let go of these patterns and help you open the door to finding new and healthy ways of relating and to living your life more joyfully.
Next date: Please inquire
(Dieser Kurs wird nur in Englisch angeboten)
Weitere Seminare & Workshops

TRE Einführung
Chronischer Stress, wiederkehrende Verspannungen, häufige Konflikte und latenter Unfrieden sind oft ein Resultat eines überregulierten Nervensystems. In diesem Kurs lernst du eine Methode, die dem Nervensystem wieder zu einer gesunden Regulation verhilft.

TRE - Practice only
TRE ist reine Körperarbeit und hilft dir Stress zu lösen, zu entspannen, einen klaren Kopf zu bewahren und deine Resilienz zu stärken. In diesem 75 Minütigen Workshop hast du die Gelegenheit, TRE in einer Gruppe mit Begleitung zu praktizieren.

OSHO Stress & Tension Release
This course, held online and in English, is an invitation to bring total transformation to your life. We live a lifestyle that is very demanding and our nervous system does not always respond effectively to stress. Here you learn revolutionary new way of releasing stress and tension.