Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release
How does this work?
I see every problem, every projection, every blockage, every experience of emptiness, fear, tension or emotional confusion as a door to our inner being, our soul. My work is based on the understanding that these feelings are generally related to what is called a 'hole'. A hole means that we have lost contact with ourselves, with our 'being'. Often when we were little. And now the ego is trying to imitate what we have 'lost'. The ego does this by making an effort, feeling justified, defending itself, projecting, withdrawing, having strong emotions, analyzing things, and constantly brooding.
The understanding of this work is that there is no real solution at the ego level. People can change their external circumstances and increase the comfort, the safety, the enjoyment factor in their lives, but only the inner connection with our being ensures real transformation. This happens when we learn to be present with what is and develop the capacity to endure fear, worry, sadness, and other uncomfortable feelings.
While working on the "ego level" can alleviate some psychological suffering, deep healing and true transformation only occurs when we reconnect with the different aspects of being.
I see my role as a coach who supports and accompanies you to be present and compassionate with uncomfortable, sometimes painful feelings, so that you can reconnect with your inner being step by step.

"Love is the water of life.
Love is the ocean of grace.
Love is the pearl lost on the ocean floor.
Love is the gold mine.
Love is the hidden treasure.
Love is the fire that never stops burning.
Love is the way messengers from the Mystery tell us things."
Find Your Inner Diamond - Individual Session
This form of individual session deals with the dynamics described above. It is possible to work selectively on a specific aspect of essence, such as relaxed confidence and the essential will, or courage and the ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself.
This form of one-to-one session can also be understood as an inner journey and it is helpful to commit to a series of ongoing sessions that include both inner work as each aspect of essence has corresponding issues from childhood that we need to deal with, as well as supporting the cognitive understanding and embedding it in the context of the Lataif.
My work is based on Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy, a form of empathic therapy, and on the principles of Somatic Experiencing. This form of counseling is extremely effective and at the same time very simple. As a 'by-product', this work also supports the resolution of dysfunctional behaviors that often manifest through relationship, work, money and/or health issues, as well as various forms of addiction. In doing so, I combine various techniques that I have acquired through my academic training, but also through my many years of professional experience, and which I have refined over many years in my work with people.
This session works online as well as in person. And here's my offer to you: You only pay for your first session if you are truly satisfied. You have nothing to loose. Click the button now and book a time that suits you.