Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release

About Aneesha
Psychological Counselor, Spiritual Coach, Relationship Expert & Couples Therapist
Welcome to my Site!
My name is Aneesha Christina Mueller and I work in private practice in Bergisch Gladbach, where I offer marriage counselling in the form of RLT couples therapy according to Terry Real, relationship coaching for singles as well as individuals in relationship, psychosomatic therapy based on Somatic Experiencing, trauma resolution using TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises), breath therapy, inner child work, as well as spiritual coaching in the form of essence work according to A.H. Almaas.
Everything I do in this context is based on my own inner journey, healing and transformation. And everything I teach is based on my own experience. I am a practitioner, not a theorist.
I've been interested in the human psyche since childhood. My passion and love of humanity and a healthy society drives me. Everything I do has to do with transformation, be it my books, seminars, retreats or individual sessions.
I am trained in Humanistic Psychology, Person-Centered Therapy according to Carl Rogers, Couples Therapy according to Terry Real (Relational Life Therapy), Biodynamic Breathing Therapy, Stress Biology and Trauma Healing according to Irene Lyon, TRE (Trauma Releasing Exercises) as a certified TRE provider, Somatic Experiencing, Enneagram , Essence Work according to AH Almaas, art therapy, yoga (RYS 200), facilitating the Osho Meditative Therapies and much more (see below).
“Your preciousness lies in your essence;
it cannot be lost by anything that happens.
Chuang Tzu
More about Aneesha
Since 1999, Aneesha has been practicing mindfulness and meditation and for almost two decades, she's been dedicated to her own inner healing and transformation journey through therapy, trauma healing, meditation and self-enquiry. She's spent nearly a full decade studying and training as a therapist. With her diverse experience and training, she is able to incorporate tools and skills into her sessions that bring together the best of everything she has learned. Out of a deep feeling of love for humanity she has been working with people in different settings since 2004. It is her mission to work towards global transformation and contribute to an awakened civilization on this planet. She does not offer a quick fix, teach coping strategies, or treat symptoms, instead she is dedicated to promoting lasting change and transformation by getting to the root of the problem. She gives individual sessions (in person and online) and leads retreats and seminars.
Aneesha says about her own inner journey: "Throughout my whole life, I had struggled in so many ways; I had worked so hard to improve myself, whether it was trying to fix the relationship with my parents, find the right man for a lasting partnership, heal digestive issues, or manage chronic stress. Some things improved. But I found myself still stuck in stubborn patterns years later. I had already worked hard in order to break free from my childhood condtioning. It had resolved certain issues to some extend. But I still felt like there was a glas ceiling after more than a decade of intense inner work. What made the big difference? Well, in 2013, I discovered the "Trauma Connection." I began to understand that unconscious childhood trauma was to blame for my plight. The same year, I started learning about the concept of superego, the (mostly unconscious) internalized voice of our parents and other caregivers during childhood. Both elements together had been responsible for what had been holding me back all those years. That's when the real healing, the real transformation began! And I have never looked back!

2018 - 2022 RLT Couples Therapy, Terry Real, Relational Life Institute - USA
2019 Lisenced Health Practitioner (BfG) DGAM - Cologne
2016 - 2018 TRE® Provider, TRE® - Scotland, Edinburgh - UK
2013 – 2018 Humanistic Psychology, S.I.A.F. Italia, Florenz - Italien , SIAF Italia, Florence - Italy
2015 - 2018 Relationship and Couples Counseling, SIAF Italia, Florence - Italy
2012 RYS 200 Yoga Instructor, RYS Yoga Alliance, Arlington – USA
2004 Life Coach, Avatar®, Star's Edge, Orlando - USA
1993 – 1996 Bachelor in Business Administration, DHWB Mannheim - Germany
Training & Advanced Training
2022 RLT Couples Therapy, RLT III, Relational Life Therapy, Advanced Training, Terry Real - USA
2021 Ongoing Annual Training: Diamond Logos Teachings, Dimensions of Love - Hamburg
2021 Mayan & Curanderismo (Shamanic) Rituals for Healing, GM Flordemayo - USA
2021 Couples Therapy, RLT II Relational Life Therapy, Advanced Training, Terry Real - USA
2021 Trauma Therapy: The Neurobiology of Working with Boundaries, J. Taylor Shore - USA
2020 Ongoing annual training: Diamond Logos Teachings, Inner Guidance - Hamburg
2020 Trauma Therapy Somatic Experiencing (SE)®, 1st year, Dr. Peter Levine - Cologne
2020 Couples Therapy RLT Relational Life Therapy, Year 1, Terry Real - USA
2019 9-days vision quest / self-awareness in ritual work, Dr. Marascha Heisig - Germany
2019 Ongoing Annual Training: Diamond Logos Teachings, The Lataif - Hamburg
2019 Health Practitioner Training (BfG), DGAM Association - Cologne
2018 Humanistic Psychology, Advanced Training, SIAF Italia - Italy
2017 Humanistic Psychology, Advanced Training, SIAF Italia - Italy
2017 – 2019 Trauma Therapy, SmartBody SmartMind, Irene Lyon - Canada
2016 Humanistic Psychology, Advanced Training, SIAF Italia - Italy
2016 TRE® Trauma Releasing Exercises, Advanced Training, Dr. David Berceli - Japan
2016 – 2018 TRE® Trauma Releasing Exercises, trauma release bodywork, Dr. David Berceli-UK
2015 Humanistic Psychology, Relationship & Couple Counseling, SIAF Italia - Italy
2014 Humanistic Psychology, Authentic Leadership, SIAF Italia - Italy
2014 - 2015 Biodynamic Breath & Trauma Release, based on the teachings of Wilhelm Reich, BBTR Institute - USA
2013 Humanistic Psychology, Rogers Client Centered Therapy, SIAF Italia - Italy
2012: Yoga Teacher Training, RYS 200 Yoga Alliance, 200 Hours, Nicole Dechow - USA
2010 - 2014: Seminar Facilitator Training, Osho Meditative Therapies, Osho Multiversity - India
2008 - 2011: Seminar Facilitator Training, Art Therapy, Osho Multiversity - India
2007 - 2010: Life Coaching Training, Avatar® Wizards Course, Star's Edge, Harry Palmer - USA
2004: Life Coaching Training, Avatar® Professional Course, Star's Edge, Harry Palmer - Willingen
2004: Life Coaching Training, The Avatar® Master Course, Star's Edge, Harry Palmer - Australia
1993 - 1996: Studies Business Administration, DHBW Mannheim - Mannheim