Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release

​​Nächster Termin am
9. Apr. 2025
TRE - Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises
Whether you want to reduce stress, worry or anxiety, relax more easily, sleep better or fall asleep faster, or whether you want to strengthen your resilience or get rid of chronic muscle tension and pain in your neck, shoulders and back: TRE - the abbreviation for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises - is a simple but very effective self-help technique that you can use all by yourself at home for the rest of your life after only 4-5 sessions. Because all the problems mentioned above are 'only' symptoms. The cause lies elsewhere. And that's where TRE comes in. Click the button to book an individual TRE session or get more info about the next english speaking TRE Class online.
How does TRE work?
TRE® is the abbreviation for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises and helps you reawaken the human body's innate (but "forgotten") ability to rebalance itself through spontaneous, involuntary movements. Originally developed by Dr David Berceli to help large populations recover from trauma in crisis and war zones, TRE has evolved into a unique self-help technique that has helped an estimated 5 million people in more than 60 countries around the world.
TRE® is pure bodywork and helps you release stress, relax, be clear-minded and build resilience. What could be more important at this time? TRE® also helps you to reduce anxiety and release chronic muscle tension. It makes it easy for you to quickly come back to a centered and grounded state and your find inner calm again, even when you're completely stressed out and flat out busy, short of going crazy. Ultimately, TRE® is a self-help tool that you really want to have in your toolbox, especially in turbulent times like these.
The reason TRE® is fast becoming an indispensable tool is that nervous system dysfunction due to stuck stress responses creates an imbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system. This dysfunction is both physiological and psychological. It causes the neurological, biochemical and anatomical makeup and responses in the body to be altered and thus it shape much of the personality; in fact, our personality is greatly affected by trauma. TRE® enables the release of life energy bound up by chronic stress and trauma. This in turn is necessary to enhance your performance, improve your relationships and optimise your mental health and physical well-being. Ultimately, TRE® is an indispensable aid in restoring who we really are. We become more alive, free and natural. It clears the path to living our full potential. Isn't that exactly what we all long for? Learn TRE® now. Either in the popular online course called OSHO Release Chronic Stress & Tension or in a TRE one-to-one session. Click the button below to get in touch and learn more.
Advantages of TRE
Enables the release of muscle tension, neck pain and back pain
Also works in acute situations such as arguments with partners, children, colleagues or bosses
Brings us down and back to a centred state, even in acute situations (and this is invaluable!)
Makes us generally much more relaxed and less reactive
Is very easy to learn and in many cases shows immediate results
Activates the body's own relaxation function of the parasympathetic nervous system
Can be easily integrated into everyday life
Gives us a feeling of inner security
Restores relaxation in the body and promotes well-being
Integrates well with any other therapy or treatment modality
Has no negative side effects
Learn TRE via Zoom ​
Learn TRE® online via Zoom. There is a choice of a 3-hour a day workshop, spread over 2 days, or a 6-hour workshop called OSHO Releasing Chronic Stress & Tension.
In this online-course you'll learn all you need to know about the technique called TRE, and subsequently you'll be able to practice at home by yourself. Regular practice, 10 - 15 Minutes every 2nd or 3rd day, will - over time - lead to all the advantages listed above, such as a stronger resilience and effective stress relief. It will also support the release of chronic stress that has been accumulated over decades in your nervous system.
TRE is bodywork and consists of 6 simple body exercises in preparation for "unloading", which takes place while lying down and happens by trembling, just as animals do. TRE is very easy to learn TRE is purely bodywork and consists of 6 simple body exercises in preparation for 'unloading', which takes place lying down and happens purely physically through trembling, just as animals do. TRE is very easy to learn and after some practice (3 - 4 courses or individual sessions) it can be practised independently at home.
Click the button now to register for the next OSHO Releasing Chronic Stress & Tension Course online. Part of the course is an "enlightening" theoretical part that will most likely open your eyes and leave you in awe. And most importantly, it will help you to be more understanding and self-compassionate with your reactions, kinder with yourself and gradually bring more serenity and well-being into your life.
Sounds good?​
However, before you sign up, please note the contra-indications to TRE. Please do not attend this workshop if you suffer from any of the following conditions:
- Manic Depressive
- Epilepsy
- Bipolar disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Major Depression
- Psychosis
- Borderline personality disorder
- Fibromyalgia
- Lupus
- Heart disease (surgery, pacemaker, and arrhythmia)
- Hypo- or hyperglycemia (medication)
Still sounds good, then sign up now!

This course is usually taught live in German. For English please book the course OSHO Releasing Chronic Stress & Tension. It's held online via Zoom. You can make the booking via The actual link to the next course is
125€ per person
Please wear loose, comfortable clothing and bring a mat to lie on. A blanket for relaxation afterwards is advisable. If you have any further questions before the event, feel free to contact me.
TRE and developmental trauma
TRE is commonly touted as a self-help method. This is only suitable to a limited extent in the case of developmental trauma. TRE was originally developed to resolve shock trauma. It is important for the use of TRE that the client is able to stay present and self-regulate during practice. It is important that the client only goes as far as they can stay present with what they are experiencing and that they give themselves enough time to integrate the process. It is better to handle a difficult-to-digest issue in small steps. Translated, this means that TRE can and should be practised in such cases with shorter duration and longer intervals. And often this needs expert guidance from a TRE provider.
When using this method to resolve developmental trauma, it is important to keep in mind that the main component that contributes to sustainable healing in developmental trauma is the relationship between therapist (or facilitator, which can also be a friend) and client. This relationship must be ongoing, reliable and have very specific qualities. For example, the facilitator must be able to be fully attuned (empathise) to the client, but at the same time maintain his/her boundaries. So there must be no merging or even entanglement. The facilitator must be present without judgement, but with compassion and total acceptance. The facilitator must be able to convey to the client that she can trust and rely on the companion.
It is also important to understand that recovery from developmental trauma, by whatever method, is a process and will take some time. In the case of developmental trauma, careful consideration should be given to whether TRE can be considered as a self-help tool. If the above elements are given, TRE can indeed be used for developmental trauma. I am a testimony to it. It has helped me a lot. And I have practised alone (unaccompanied) for long stretches.
Not quite sure? Feel free to contact me for a free orientation talk.
Find out more about your symptoms and how everything is connected...

The ACE study
The ACE study (ACE = Adverse Childhood Experiences) shows clearly and incomprehensibly how stressful childhood experiences influence the behavior and health of those affected throughout their lives.

Trauma is on everyone's lips and yet very few have a clear understanding of what trauma actually is. Trauma is not the event, trauma is in the body. It's just a dysregulation of the nervous system.

What to do?
There is a remedy. But not everything helps. For any form of sustainable healing work, especially with trauma, it is important to include the body and the body's sensations.