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The Theory of Holes

One of the basic ideas of essence work is the theory of holes: Almaas explains it like this: People as they live under normal circumstances are "covered" with "holes". That sounds a bit strange at first. But let me explain what that means. A hole refers to something that has been lost. In this context, Almaas means an essential quality, eg love, strength, courage, trust, etc. Lost in this context means that we are no longer aware of their existence. What then remains is a hole, a kind of deficit, a feeling of lack. It is a certain aspect of our very essence that we are no longer aware of, ie we stop embodying it. There is a feeling that something is missing. This can be a loss of love and compassion, a loss of worth, a loss of the ability to make contact, a loss of joy, courage, power, strength, peace, confidence, trust or clarity. But if that is lost, it is not lost forever. You're just cut off from it. An indication that we are facing a hole can be the presence of wants and needs, especially when they are compulsive.  


Our personality (ego structure) is seen as an incomplete substitute for our essence. You could say that our personality has been trying to plug these "holes" by imitating that aspect of our essence. Each of these holes is "filled" with specific psychological issues. In addition, beliefs and memories of situations that led to the loss of essence may be associated, as well as feelings and mechanisms that prevent us from consciously noticing this lack.

Image by Mansour Kiaei

In order to reconnect with a certain aspect of our essence, we must allow ourselves to feel and explore the lack, and all that is attached to it. If we allow ourselves to feel the lack, ie the hole, and to be present with it, we come back in contact with essence. It requires an expert guide to help you recognize any dimension of essence as it arises. An essential quality develops very quickly the moment it is seen and recognized. If we don't recognize the essential quality as it shows, it'll stay asleep. The moment it is recognized, it begins to grow.​

Image by Girl with red hat

"Essence is our

true nature when we are relaxed and authentic... It is what we are in our original and unadulterated being."



Find Your Inner Diamond - Individual Session

This form of individual session deals with the dynamics described above. It is possible to work selectively on a specific aspect of essence, such as relaxed confidence and the essential will, or courage and the ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself.


This form of one-to-one session can also be understood as an inner journey and it is helpful to commit to a series of ongoing sessions that include both inner work as each aspect of essence has corresponding issues from childhood that we need to deal with, as well as supporting the cognitive understanding and embedding it in the context of the Lataif


My work is based on Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy, a form of empathic therapy, and on the principles of Somatic Experiencing. This form of counseling is extremely effective and at the same time very simple. As a 'by-product', this work also supports the resolution of dysfunctional behaviors that often manifest through relationship, work, money and/or health issues, as well as various forms of addiction. In doing so, I combine various techniques that I have acquired through my academic training, but also through my many years of professional experience, and which I have refined over many years in my work with people.

This session works online as well as in person. And here's my offer to you: You only pay for your first session if you are truly satisfied. You have nothing to loose. Click the button now and book a time that suits you. 

The superego

The superego, also called the superego, is the part of our psyche that reflects the internalization of cultural rules, especially those of our parents, and often severely limits us.

essence work a unique symbiosis between humanistic psychology, developmental and depth psychology as well as Sufism and methods derived from it, which have their origins in the Middle East. 

The Lataif

The Lataif, (singular "Latifa", plural "Lataif") is the Sufi name for the essential qualities such as will, trust in God, strength, vitality, stillness, inner peace, compassion, joy & lightness. 

how  functions  This work?

Any problem, projection, blockage, experience of emptiness, fear, tension, or emotional confusion can be a doorway to our inner being, our soul.

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