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Free Yourself of Old Patterns

This unique counseling approach first creates a basis that encourages careful listening and honest and compassionate expression. This opens the space for new insights and understandings, wisdom in decision making and healing. I work not only on the cognitive but also on the somatic level, and thus also on the level of the nervous system. This is the only way to permanently release old imprints from early childhood from your unconscious body memory. This is important because unresolved or only temporarily 'switched off' or 'overwritten' early childhood wounds can wreak havoc in your life. This form of counseling works holistically and somatically and can help you to permanently let go of old survival stress, which is expressed in recurring, often very obstructive patterns. In this way, stubborn issues can be solved in the long term so that you can find your way back to a joyful and fulfilling life. Make an appointment today and experience the difference this type of psychological counseling can make for you.


Sessions last 60 minutes and cost €80 per hour. Also possible online.

Fliegende Adler in den Bergen

"As women shut down their needs, they also shut down their sense of pleasure."  



RLT Paartherapie

RLT stands for Relational Life Therapy, developed by Terry Real. RLT considers both the problem areas of your relationship behaviour and problems in connection with the family of origin. Both is needed for lasting change.

Spiritual Counseling

Spiritual Counseling will support your inner awakening. It is a process that can help you reconnect with your essential qualities of trust, inner strength, love and compassion. [This session is also available online.] 

Inner Man
Inner woman

Many relationship problems can be addressed with this form of counselling. We work here with anima and animus. Every woman has an inner man (animus), and every man an inner woman (anima) inside.

Conscious Relating

Relationship is one of the most beautiful and yet one of the most difficult things in life. We manage it somehow, but very few can MASTER it. How would it be for you if it was easier for you? If it was more fulfilling? More satisfying? Healthier? 

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