Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release

"The relationship you have with yourself influences every other relationship you enter into"
Robert Holden
Inner Man Inner Woman
Many relationship problems can be addressed with this form of counseling. In this session, we work with anima and animus. Every woman has an inner man (animus), and every man has an inner woman (anima). Working with those parts within we can solve many relationship problems. The Indian mystic, Osho, said many years ago: "If we are unaware of our masculine aspect as a woman or our feminine aspect as a man, we will inevitably experience inner conflicts which are reflected in our outer life." This usually manifests itself in difficulties in dealing with the partner and parents, children, work colleagues or business partners. Inner Man Inner Woman makes you aware of this dynamic of our inner male and female parts. In this session, you are going to release harmful patterns in your relationships, allowing for more freedom and love in your experience with one another. If that's what you are looking for, here's my offer: You only pay for the first session if you are fully satisfied. If not, you don't pay a cent. Click the button now to make an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you.