Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release
The Lataif
The Lataif, (singular "Latifa", plural "Lataif") is the Sufi name for the essential qualities that we understand as the basis for a truly fulfilled life in complete authenticity: Essential will & trust, strength & aliveness, stillness & peace, compassion & kindness and joy & lightheartedness.
The name Lataif (Arabic) means "subtlety" and describes the subtle centers in the inner body. In the context of Sufi psychology, the Lataif are to be understood as "psycho-spiritual organs" of sensory and sensual perception.
In my work I mainly (but not exclusively) refer to the 5 Lataif described below:
White Essence - Essence of Will
In connection with this essence we are in touch with relaxed confidence, we have trust, we are relaxed and we feel carried and supported, strengthened and grounded in life.
Red Essence - Essence of strength and vitality
When this essence flows within us, we feel strengthened, alive and full of energy. We are able to set boundaries, stand up for ourselves and do what is important to us in life.
Black Essence - Peace, Stillness and Dignity
In connection with this essence we have access to deep stillness and inner peace, we feel the truth of who we are and we have a sense of dignity.
Green Essence - Essence of Compassion
This essence brings us compassion and kindness towards ourselves and others.
Yellow Essence - Essence of joy and lightness
If we are connected to the Yellow Latifa we enjoy life and go about our daily life with joy and lightheartedness even without any external reason.

"I​ was a seeker
and still am
but I stopped
to ask the books and the stars - and started to listen to the teachings of my soul"
( Rumi )

"Essence is our true nature when we are relaxed and authentic... It is what we are in our original and unadulterated being."
Find Your Inner Diamond - Individual Session
This form of individual session deals with the dynamics described above. It is possible to work selectively on a specific aspect of essence, such as relaxed confidence and the essential will, or courage and the ability to set boundaries and stand up for yourself.
This form of one-to-one session can also be understood as an inner journey and it is helpful to commit to a series of ongoing sessions that include both inner work as each aspect of essence has corresponding issues from childhood that we need to deal with, as well as supporting the cognitive understanding and embedding it in the context of the Lataif.
My work is based on Carl Rogers' person-centered therapy, a form of empathic therapy, and on the principles of Somatic Experiencing. This form of counseling is extremely effective and at the same time very simple. As a 'by-product', this work also supports the resolution of dysfunctional behaviors that often manifest through relationship, work, money and/or health issues, as well as various forms of addiction. In doing so, I combine various techniques that I have acquired through my academic training, but also through my many years of professional experience, and which I have refined over many years in my work with people.
This session works online as well as in person. And here's my offer to you: You only pay for your first session if you are truly satisfied. You have nothing to loose. Click the button now and book a time that suits you.