Individual Therapy, Couples Therapy, Trauma Release
Break the vicious circle, and reconnect
Relationship is one of the most beautiful and yet one of the most difficult things in life. We manage it somehow, but very few can MASTER it. How would it be for you if it was easier for you? If it was more fulfilling? More satisfying? Healthier?
In my research and professional experience, I have seen time and time again that the root cause of many relationship problems is found in unconscious early childhood experiences. Often, one partner pushes the other partner's buttons. And when both partners are triggered and react, a vicious circle often arises in which things get hotter and hotter. A vicious circle in which one partner usually shuts down and the other tries ever more aggressively to restore the lost connection. This downward spiral must be broken.
And it IS possible. Probably counter to what you're thinking. Well, it is possible. It 'only' needs one person that comes back to being grounded and centered quickly enough. One person that comes back into a relaxed, open-hearted state. Then this one person will be able to co-regulate the other person. The withdrawn partner notices when the aggressive partner is open and relaxed again and vice versa. That brings the security back into the field that the other needs to open up again. Whether you're the one that shuts down when you feel your partners neediness, or you are the one that suffers when your partner shuts down and won't let you in anymore, call me today and get the help you deserve!
The following symptoms may be a sign that professional help would be a good investment:
It has become very quiet in your relationship or marriage.
Although there are two of you, you feel lonely.
It is difficult to talk to each other.
Your topics and discussions go round in circles.
There are frequent arguments and disharmony.
Reconciliation does not happen or rarely happens.
You want more intimacy and closeness than your partner allows or vice versa.
You want more sex than your partner allows.
Or you want less physical contact and closeness than your partner demands.
Your partner is emotionally and physically unavailable or rarely available.
You feel restricted by your partner.
When you feel your partner's neediness, you close down inside.
You think about separation or avoid your partner frequently.
​If you recognise two or more of these symptoms as your own, professional help will not only be helpful but will clearly pay off.
And here's my offer: You only pay for the first session if you are fully satisfied. If not, you don't pay a cent. Click the button now to make an appointment. I look forward to hearing from you. soon.

"As women shut down their needs, they also shut down their sense of pleasure."